Iterate through the lists adding an element from each list to the TMX file as elements. 遍历生成的列表,将列表中的元素作为添加到TMX文件中。
This element provides a list of all document links contained in the RDF file. 这个元素提供RDF文件中包含的所有文档链接的列表。
You want the first element of that list, and ( 0) gives you that. 您希望获取列表的第一个元素,而(0)帮助您得到它。
You can construct lists with multiple elements using the constructor, which builds a list from an element and another list. 可以使用构造函数构造包含多个元素的列表,它用一个元素和另一个列表构造列表。
This static method would take a single argument, intended to be the sole element of the List ( until others are added). 这个静态方法只带一个参数,也将是List唯一的元素(直到添加了其它元素)。
Each element has a list of attributes available to it, separate from the list of child objects. 每个元素都有可用属性的列表,且与子对象列表是分离的。
An example of a pattern of computation is where you transform every element of a List in some way. 计算模式的一个例子就是用某种方式把List中的每个元素进行转换。
Next, each element in the list of comma-separated words is trimmed ( leading and trailing whitespace is elided) through the trim() function, then compared to the supplied regex. 接下来,用逗号分隔的单词列表中的每个元素都是通过trim()函数整理的(省略了开始和结束部分的空白),然后与提供的regex进行比较。
At some point in its execution, the each method executes the yield instruction giving it an argument that happens to be the next element of the list in the case of the Array class's each method. 在执行中的某个时刻,each方法执行yield指令,在Array类的each方法的情况下,给该指令一个正巧成为列表中下一个元素的参数。
The car takes the first element from the list. car将从列表中获取第一个元素。
It removes the last element in the List, last-in first-out ( LIFO) style. 它删除了List中的最后一个元素,使用后进先出(last-infirst-out,LIFO)的方式。
To build a list, you simply pass an element to another list. 构建列表时,只是把元素传递给另一个列表。
Take an initial value and combine it via an operation on the first element of the list. 获取初始化值,并通过在列的首个元素上的操作来与其结合。
The id value is simply the ordinal value of the element in the list. id值只是列表中元素的序数值。
Otherwise, run the evaluator on each element of the list. 否则,要对列表中的每一个元素运行求值程序。
Evaluating a list treats the first element as a list function and the other elements as function arguments. 对列表求值时将第一个元素看作列表函数,将其他元素看作函数参数。
It returns a new List in which f has been mapped to every element in list. 它返回一个新List,其中f已经映射到list中的每个元素。
So adding a new child element or text is simply a matter of adding a new child to an element's list of children. 所以添加新的子元素或文本只需要向元素的子元素列表中添加一个新的子元素。
The most important of these is map, which applies a function to every element of a list. 其中最重要的是map,它将某个函数应用到列表中的每个元素。
The previous examples have shown you how to add an element to a list and how to modify an item in a list. 前面的例子向您展示了如何向list中添加元素,以及如何修改list中的条目。
The reduce() function operates on one or more lists of intermediate results by fetching the each from memory, disk, or a network transfer and performing a function on each element of each list. Reduce()函数把从内存,磁盘或者网络介质提取过来的一个或多个中间结果列表,对列表中的每个元素逐一执行一个函数。
Performs the specified action on each element of the list. 对list的每个元素执行指定操作。
At the beginning of the configure element, we list all the ZCML namespaces that we are going use and define the default one. 在配置元素的最开始,我们列出所有我们将要使用和定义的缺省ZCML命名空间。
Select the type of inner element in the list. 请在列表中选择内部元素的类型。
Advance this pointer& this finger, to the next element of the list which is4, make the comparison. 前移这个指示器&也就是这根手指,让它指向列表中的,下一个元素4,再做比较。
The command executed takes the address of the current element in the list as the argument. 所执行的命令以列表中当前元素的地址作为参数。
What's the last element in the list look like? 列表中最后一个元素是什么样呢?
The launch vehicle model was set up according to the structure and function of the vehicle to obtain geometrical element list. 发射车模型按车体结构和功能,求出几何元素表。
This module can show the contactor control schematic diagram and the electronic control circuit schematic diagram, printed circuit board drawing and element list. 该模块提供了接触器控制原理图及电子控制电路原理图、印刷电路板图及元件清单。
According to actual needs, the Red Black tree nodes and the structure of element list are designed. 针对具体的实际需要,设计了红黑树的结点以及元素链表的结构;